Technical Specifications and help for printing

Startseite Foren Help me printing – (Technical Specifications and help for printing) Technical Specifications and help for printing

  • Dieses Thema hat 0 Antworten und 1 Teilnehmer, und wurde zuletzt aktualisiert vor 5 Jahre von E3DPLUSVET.
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    • #8850

      – Remember that if the nozzle is too hot, it could leave strings of filament between separate parts.

      – If you print tall pieces, remember that high temperatures melt the earlier layers, resulting in malformation.

      – Please, check if the build plate temperature helps with print adhesion.

      – When the bed temperature is too high, the model may develop so-called “elephant feet”. This is an indication that you should slightly reduce the bed temperature for the next print.

      – If using a spray or glue on the bed surface, to facilitate the extraction of the pieces, please use enough to stick to the print, but not so much that it leaves dents or malformation.

      – To avoid a block of the printer, please cleaning and lubricating the rails using manufacturer recommendations.

      – After using supports, it is necessary the post processing (sanding, trimming) that helps hide the attachment places.

      – If the speed is too high while producing infill, the extruded filament may not stay with the perimeter as the nozzle isn’t in location long enough for it to form a bond. In this case, reduce the print speed.

      – If you print the first layer too fast, the plastic may not have time to bond to the build platform. For this reason, it is typically very useful to print the first layer at a slower speed so that the plastic has time to bond to the bed.

      – To avoid warping you can try to use a heated bed and also to disable any external cooling fans. It is also useful to place the printer inside of an enclosure that can help regulate the temperature of the entire build volume. Finally, you can also try including a brim or a raft with the print, which will help hold the edges down and may warp less.

      – If you notice that extruder is not extruding at start of print it may be that nozzle starts too close to the bed, so you can use G-Code offsets or you can calibrate your Z-distance in your printer.

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