– One important thing to remember is a 3D object should be composed of watertight manifold volume parts.
– Please, check if your 3D model could have loose faces or unweeding edges and verts.
– When you are modeling remember to not use one dimensional planes, shells or extruded edges, double-sided faces, self-intersecting faces, open-faced holes, unwelded verts or edges. Always the modelling software has automatic tools that ensures your model is watertight.
– When designing the model, please, keep in mind your build area or the building plate.
– Clever layout in your build area can help you get larger prints.
– Remember the diagonal space from top to bottom in your build area will give you the longest build size of your printer.
– If you model a 3D object using Boolean functions available in your modeling software will save you material.
– Remove the primitive elements in the 3D models. These are basic geometrical shapes. They include: spheres, cubes and boxes, toroids, cylinders, and pyramids.
– Try to avoid 90 degrees corners in your design, especially when pieces are required to resist loads. Try to round or chamfer those corners.
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